Advance Your Career with CLARB Certification

CLARB Certification is the industry-recognized distinction that signifies that you have met the professional standards established by CLARB and carries our recommendation that you be granted licensure without further review.

CLARB Certification:

  • Gives you a competitive advantage by bestowing upon you the title “CLARB Certified Landscape Architect" as well as the right to use the accompanying logo and slogan in all of your marketing materials.
  • Facilitates the mobility you need to pursue business opportunities in multiple jurisdictions by expediting the licensure process.
  • Enables you to apply for reciprocal licensure in jurisdictions that require CLARB Certification.
  • Fast tracks your path to licensure because you have already demonstrated you meet the professional standards used by many registration boards.

How to Become CLARB Certified:  Complete and maintain an active, verified Council Record. We’ll take care of the rest! CLARB automatically evaluates your credentials against the industry professional standards.

  • Once eligible, CLARB will notify you and you will receive the right to use the "CLARB Certified Landscape Architect" logo and slogan on all of your marketing materials (e.g. John Doe, PLA., CLARB). 

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